Feedback to Parishioners

Although our income is modest, our expenses were very high and needed immediate attention. The finance council under the direction of the Parish Priest is seeking to reduce our expenses dramatically. Below is a summery of the work carried out to date, and work still ongoing.

Photocopier - The photocopier was often breaking down and was only used for printing the Newsletters. We were paying £80 a month for its use. Therefore the decision was made to cancel the contract with Toshiba. A yearly saving of £960.

Boilers - The boilers in the Church and hall were in a bad state. The hall boiler was condemned because of bad ventilation. These have been fixed and serviced. Cost £950.

Boiler Gass Bill. - It was found that we were paying for 4 boilers, when we had only 3. We were incorrectly being billed by British Gas for another property not belonging to us. This has now been cancelled and a request made to the bank for reinbursement going back to at least 2022.

Virgin Media - We were paying £250/month for telephones, broadband and media. The contract has now been renewed and they now cost £35/month. A saving of £2580 per year.

Hall Water Meter- We were paying WaterPlus for continued estimated readings for a meter that no one knew where it was. Did we have a meter? Thanks to Kevin, we have found the water meter, which now means we can monitor our water usage in the hall and provide up to date readings to WaterPlus. Unfortunately we were under billed. Extra cost £50 to be paid.

Water Bill - It has just been found that apparently we have been paying 2 water bills for the Church hall. Paul Piddock is currently looking into this with a view of being reimbursed from one of the companies.

Pozitive - We have been paying estimated gas bills on the old school building which has not been used for over 6 years. Thanks to Paul Piddock this has been rectified and a sum of £6000 returned to the parish.

One to watch. - We have been contacted by Sandwell Council regarding the use of the old school. They have been informed that we do not use the old school and it is vacant. If we're not careful, we could face having to pay business rates on the building.

Opus - We were paying standing charges for an electric meter for the same building of about £35/month (£420/year). The meter was disconnected and the charge cancelled. Because they were providing a service in case we needed to use the building again, it is unlikely we will be reimbursed.

Domestic and Aliance - We have been paying insurance on appliances and the boiler in the presbytery, whilst at the same time paying for maintenance on the boiler. This has now been cancelled, a saving of £1000/year.

V.O.I.P. - We were paying a nominal fee for Voice Over the Internet Protocol, which allows the use of the telephone over the internet. As we are directly connected through virgin, this was a service we were no longer using and has therefore been cancelled. A saving of £25/year.