The Sorrowful Mysteries

Sorrowful Mysteries .mp3

The Five Sorrowful Mysteries are said on Tuesdays and Fridays throughout the year, and daily from Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday. The Sorrowful Mysteries recall to our mind the mysterious events surrounding Christ's sacrifice of his life in order that sinful humanity might be reconciled with God.

The Agony in the Garden.

Jesus, in the Garden of Gethsemani, you suffered a bitter agony because of our sins; grant me true contrition.

The Scourging at the Pillar

Jesus, you endured a cruel scourging and your flesh was torn by heavy blows; help me to have the virtue of purity.

The Crowning with thorns

Jesus, you patiently endured the pain from the crown of sharp thorns that was forced upon your head; grant me the strength to have moral courage.

The Carrying of the Cross.

Jesus, you willingly carried your cross for love of your Father and all people; grant me the virtue of patience.

The Crucifixion

Jesus, for love of me you endured three hours of torture on the cross and gave up your spirit; grant me the grace of final perseverance.