ALL: 0 JESUS, my Saviour, how greatly am I indebted to you for having willed that your side should be opened with a spear, that in depth of your Heart we might behold your great love for' us. I beseech you O Lord, to pierce my heart with a true wound of love, to cleanse my soul from all its stains with the water that come from your side and to heal its infirmities with the remedies of your blood.

(Dorn de Molina. Carthusian, c. 1605)


A.LL: Sacred Heart of Jesus, behold us assembled before thee to adore thee, to praise thee, to thank thee, to make reparation for our past faults and to give ourselves up to thy love.

Mindful of thy divine promises, we presume to say with complete confidence: PRIEST: Heart of Jesus, give us all the graces necessary for our state in life.

ALL: Lord, thou hast promised it.

PRIEST: Heart of Jesus, establish peace in our homes.

ALL: Lord, thou hast promised it.

PRIEST: Heart of Jesus, bless the homes where thy picture is exposed and honoured. ALL: Lord, thou hast promised it.

PRIEST: Heart of Jesus, ease our burdens and console us in our sorrows. ALL: Lord, thou hast promised it.

PRIEST: Heart of Jesus, be our assured refuge in life and more especially at the hour of death. ALL: Lord, thou hast promised it.

PRIEST: Heart of Jesus, shower down abundant blessings on all our undertakings. ALL: Lord, thou hast promised it.

PRIEST: Heart of Jesus, may sinners find in thy Heart an infinite ocean of mercy. ALL: Lord, thou hast promised it.

PRIEST: Heart of J~""US; make tepid souls fervent. ALL: Lord, thou hast promised it.

PRIEST: Heart of Jesus, cause fervent souls to advance rapidly to great holiness. ALL: Lord, thou hast promised it.

PRIEST: Heart of Jesus, give to those working for the salvation of souls, the power of touching the most hardened hearts.

ALL: Lord, thou hast promised it.

PRIEST: Heart of Jesus, grant to all those who shall communicate on the First Friday, nine months consecutively, the grace of final perseverance and the sacraments at death.

ALL: Lord, thou hast promised it.

PRIEST: Heart of Jesus, may thy Kingdom come, despite Satan and the efforts of thine enemies. ALL: Lord, thou hast promised it. ·

PRIEST: Heart of Jesus, write in thy Heart, never to be effaced from it, the names of those who promote this devotion.

ALL: Lord, thou hast promised it.

ALL: Lord Jesus Christ, you have said:

"Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you". Relying on these promises, we come with confidence to beg of you the. favours we need . (Remember, those in the book of Remembrance, all Maryvale benefactors and the petitions sent to the Shrine).

From whom shall we ask, 0 Jesus, if not from you whose Heart is an unfailing source of grace. Most loving Heart of our God, we believe in your knowledge, we believe in your personal love for us. Therefore, 0 Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place all our trust in you Amen.


PRIEST: In all my temptations ) In all my weakness ) In all my difficulties ) In qll my sorrow ~ In every failure ) In every discouragement ) In all my undertakings ) In life and in death. )


O Sacred HPi:irt nf Jesus, I place my trust in you.


Loving Jesus, your Heart is patient and full of mercy ) Loving Jesus, you were heartbroken by our sins ) Loving Jesus, you obeyed wholeheartedly, even to dying for our sins ) Loving Jesus, your heart is the well - spring of all consolation ) Loving Jesus, from your Heart we receive the gift of reconciliation and peace ) Loving Jesus, from your Heart comes salvation to all who turn to you in hope ) Loving Jesus, your Heart gives hope to all who die in your love )


Make our hearts like Yours.


ALL: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, teach us to walk in your way more trustfully, to accept your truth more faithfully, and to share your life more lovingly. By the power of the Holy Spirit help us in our work for the Church, so that we may come as one family to the kingdom of the Father where you live for ever and ever. Amen.